I've always had lots of ideas floating around in my head from characters to story ideas and since I like to draw the best way to get those ideas out is of course a comic. Easier said than done. Wayyyy easier said to done. I've been attempting to draw comics since grade 7 and I still have some of those old comics. Holy cow are they bad. I have a bad habit of starting comics creating characters, stories, worlds, and than just giving up after the first two pages. This time its different( I think lol).
So I hope to start a web comic in the near future hopefully I can stick with it and it turns out well. Advice for anyone thinking of starting a comic.
really dedicate yourself to doing it
read other comics and webcomics for inspiration
Do your research on how to go about making a comic
and practice practice practice drawing
Its so frustrating when you want to draw a building for a scene and it comes out crappy and ruins the whole page.
So hopefully there will soon be a comic by me on here and good luck to anyone else thinking of doing one.